Fertility superfoods-fact or fiction?

I have yet to meet a patient who hasn't at some point been seduced by the notion of a so-called fertility 'super' food or herbal product, that claims to be the panacea for all ill.
Whether it be maca or acai berries, royal jelly or whey protein, the fertility health product industry has exploded in recent years due to the understandable frustrations of those who are struggling to conceive.
Companies are making millions from these products, yet if they were so effective, why are so many women and men, still experiencing fertility issues?
The patient-centred approach
The truth is that your fertility potential is unique to you, so taking a generic 'fertility' supplement, without first addressing any underlying factors, is unlikely to help you that much.
The other concern I have with these products is that some people believe that if they take a particular herb or food supplement, it will make up for other deficits in their diet and lifestyle.
If you really want to make a difference to your fertility, don't overlook the basics; 8 hours of sleep per night, regular exercise, minimising exposure to stress and daily bowel movements are much more important than any food supplement.
What's your core issue?
Equally, it's vital that you figure out what's going on.
Is your main issue hormone imbalance or autoimmune issues? Do you have cardiovascular problems that could affect blood flow to the womb? Is there a nutrient deficiency you aren't aware of? Or a background health condition that has, until now, been ignored? e.g. IBS, irregular periods..
The more information you have, the more tailored your diet and/or supplement protocol can be and therefore the more likely you are to see results.
The bottom line is that while in most cases the use of generic fertility supplements and so-called 'super foods' is unlikely to cause much harm, the problem is that it won't do much good either.
With every case I have dealt with, what made the difference to those patients success was that instead of the treatment being disease-centred, it became patient-centred.
The focus was put where it was needed most, based on their test results, their past response to medication/supplements and with due regard to any secondary health issues that may have been impacting their fertility indirectly.
Taking this approach is how you will see progress and avoid going around in circles, with seemingly no end in sight. You just need the right practitioner to guide you there.